Thursday, 30 September 2010

City of Thieves – David Benioff

30th September 2010

There was an unusual level of consensus on this book with the following comments of note:

Ras enjoyed it and ripped through it, though it was not a literary classic. Some doubts about the commercial rewards for such a novel that covers atrocities and cannibalism.

It was a good blend of a light story with the darker side of the war.

An enjoyable read from which much was learnt on that phase of WWII. However, it read like a film script with all the scenes laid out in order.

It was an enjoyable read, but it had a disappointing ending.

Lots of film scenes ready to be acted out, but good mixture of horror and comedy. It needed more emotional impact from the characters.

There was much interest in what Richard might have to say.However, can't find notes that enlighten in this respect.

Rob’s comments (by text) – “Quite liked it, learnt new bits about the war – but not a great book.”


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